Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015

A) warm up
5x5 Weighted pullups 5x12 GHD Back Extensions

B) Start at 70% 1RM E3M for 15min Work up to a heavy High Hang Snatch + 1 Mid Thigh Snatch

C) 4 Rounds for times 500m Row 15 CTB rest 3min


  1. A) complete with various weight. I did strict with 5 lbs the first round and strict with 8 lbs the second round. Did kipping with the vest on for the last 3. Couldn't do strict... But tried a few.
    B) started at 105/115/125/130(failed mid hang but redid it in the 3 minutes)/135
    C) 3:37 c2bs SUCKed in this round ... royally.
    6:37-9:41 (move to higher bar helps c2bs) (3:04)
    12:41-15:48 (3:07)
    18:48-22:11 (3:23)

  2. A) Completed with the 35lbs vest
    B) Started at 175/185/195/205, tried to pr at 220 failed twice
    C) Finally time with the rest 19:40

  3. A) Complete with 40# scaled GHD's to 8 to not fry my back
    B) Complete 175# was my max. Need to spend time on this
    C) Complete total time was approx 22:00 inc breaks. Didn't catch the splits.

  4. A. Used the 6kg kb but struggled
    B. Started at 110, big jump to 125, then 130, 135 and tried 140 but failed on the mid hang
    C. Only had time for 2 rounds and c2b's still aren't my thang

  5. ***also split my pants today pulling them ober my quads at work***
    Ain't even mad about it, #gains via 20rep max back squats

  6. A)sorta done, first set was just strict pull ups then the next rounds were done with a 12kg kettle bell, PLUS all the weight of the belt that I was wearing to hold the kettle bell so pretty heavy still.
    B)155, 175, 185, 195(2 rep pr), 205(2 rep pr)(way more weight then dan)
    then switched up my workout to class wod of
    4 rounds
    12 squat cleans at 115
    75 dubs
    12 min.
    needed to do a more cardio work out as I keep bailing on the hard workouts to do the open wods.
