Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wednesday March 11, 2015

To all followers of this site: 
This is a free program, the only thing we ask for in return is that you comment your results in the website. If we have I eventually make this a paid program and private posting, we will. 

To all Woodbridge followers: please put your shit away. Espresso cups, foam rollers, pvcs, BALLS, etc. 

A) Warmup 
3 rounds 
6 M-ups 
10 Box Jumps 30/24" 
5 HSPU Strict

B) 15min Work up to a heavy Squat Clean to Thruster

C) 4 Rounds 
10 Power Cleans 135/95lbs 
10 SOH 135/95lbs 
rest 5min 
D) 1500m Row


  1. A)Completed
    B) 195 lbs. took three attempts.

  2. A) Completed
    B) 185 lbs, shoulder was not feeling great so I stopped there
    C) Got halfway through and stopped, shoulder again
    D) 2000m + 21-15-9 GHD Sit-ups and back raises

  3. A) Completed. Did freestand Kipling handstand pushups due to construction.

    B) Skip (Back injury)

    C) 7:24 Slow power cleans (back injury), unbroken shoulder to overhead.
    Round 1 10 cleans - 10 STOH
    Rounds 2,3,4 5-4-1 cleans - 10 STOH

    D) 5:45

  4. A) Completed
    B) Got up too 250lbs, 10lbs pr
    C) 5:30
    D) 5:52

  5. A) complete
    B) 230, pr but felt like I could've gone heavier but satisfied enough
    Did 15.2 because you made me do it again lol got 173
    C&D) skipped..may do tomorrow

  6. Welcome back wod! I understand about the postings, as even I've been slacking off lately but I'll before diligent on future ....

    A. Done with strict pull ups/ dips
    B. I had a hard time with this coz it was the first bit of strength I've done in a while, failed at 120 three times
    C. 8:28 (easing back in boys!!)
    D. 6:28

  7. B) instead of a squat clean thruster I did heavy cleans because my shoulder. 205, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265(pr)(but sadly only a squat clean pr as I have hit this for a power clean before)
    C) sorta-i tried to make up my own workout to keep off my shoulder if possible.
    3 rounds of 25 cal row and 10 power cleans at 135 then rest 2 min
    Round 1-1:45
    round 2- 1:50
    round 3- 1:52
    all unbroken cleans
