Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday March 10, 2015

A) Warmup 3x100 Double unders

B) 15min Work up to a Heavy Single Snatch

C) 4 Rounds 
400m Row 
30 Wall Balls 20/14lbs 
20 Box Jumps 24/20" 
Rest 3 min between sets


  1. A) Complete
    B) Got up to 205. Back still isn't 100% from my injury so I didn't attempt to go heavier.
    C) Round 1 - 3:08
    Round 2 - 3:17
    Round 3 - 3:35
    Round 4 - 3:42

  2. A) Complete
    B) Worked up to 145lbs...difficult to hold bar, hand still messed up from 15.2
    C) Could only do 2 rds today: 3:10, 3:21

  3. A complete
    B worked up to 140 -- failed 145 twice so called if a day.
    C completed all in 24:26. Specific times recorded but my book is not with me.

  4. Got 195, missed 205 several times.

    28:15 on the wod. Not my best.
