Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015

A) 5x1 Squat Clean + 1 front Squat + 2 Jerks

B) 4 Rounds for times 
10 Box Jumps 24|"/20" 
12 Toes to Bar 
14 Burpees 
rest 3 min


  1. A) completed: worked up to 185lbs keeping the form.
    1 round: 1:02. 2nd: 5:10. 3rd 9:19 & 4th: 13:4

  2. A) 135/155/165/170/175 - failed 2nd jerk.
    B) total time: 15:35 (1:33/1:37/1:35/1:50)

  3. A) Played with 195lbs, was missing on the second jerk....weak....
    B) 1:05
    5:10 (1:05)
    9:25 (1:15)
    13:51 (1:26)

  4. A) 265# missed the 2nd jerk
    B) Did Chris' WOD 16 min squat cleans and bar facing burpees. Got to one 165# squat clean
    C) 0-1:35, 4:35-6:02, 9:02-10:30, 13:30-15:19


  5. A) 120lbs, tried 125, but missed the last jerk
    B) 1:19, 2:12, 1:15, 1:55. Total time 14:01

  6. A) 245
    B) like Dan I did Chris nasty C&J / Bar facing Burpees wod- got to 165 for 5 reps
    C) I will do tonight.... stay tuned

  7. A. Failed 2nd jerk at 150 twice, felt laboured
    B. 0-2:20, 5:20-8:02, 11:02-13:30, 16:30-19:26 or something like that

  8. a)built up to 255 successfully then got the squat clean, front squat and one jerk at 265(that is my max squat clean and jerk so im still happy with it)
    B)1 09
    1 10
    1 17
    1 34
    went unbroken on the toes to bar for the first 3 rounds then totally fell apart on the 4th round and had to do 6, 2, 2, 1, 1
    (need to do more ab stuffs I guess)
